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Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview by Lembit Opik - PressTV on the crimes of the US and Saudi Arabia
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview to Press TV on Saudi Arabia's links to Islamist terrorism
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos to Press TV about the role of Saudi Arabia in the conflicts in Iraq and Syria
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview with Press TV on the blunders of the West: Kosovo,Iraq,Libya,Syria
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview to Press TV on Britain's role in the rise of ISIS
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview to Press TV on the killing of ISIS commander by the Lebanese army
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos was interviewed by Press TV for a special report on the origins of ISIS
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos spoke with RT about why Western media fails to cover US war crimes
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview to RT on Washington and London's silence on recapture of Palmyra
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos RT on the roots of the appalling terrorist attacks in Brussels
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos on Press TV about how the West is blaming Russia for the Ukraine crisis
Dr Marcus Papadopoulos interview to RT on the US is continuing to supply terrorists in Syria